HeadwatersLife is a 501(c) 3 tax deductible organization. Our mission is to enrich and strengthen families by providing material in English and Spanish to individuals, couples, small group communities, and churches. We also provide help for the administration and training in developing and managing parenting programs for church organizations.

Second only to Chinese, Spanish is the most spoken language in the world. Spanish speakers are the fastest growing population in the United States with half a million people in Colorado alone. Parenting programs for those who have Spanish as a primary language are not fully available but HeadwatersLife has translated Parenting from the Tree of Life into Spanish and we are introducing it into inner city churches throughout the Denver metro area. Many churches and young Spanish-speaking parents need assistance affording the material; we eagerly help anyone who has trouble affording the programs because of financial difficulty.

Your donation will allow HeadwatersLife to continue to reach into the lives of young men and women so that they can strengthen their relationships, improve their parenting skills, and become thriving members of society.