Will you make a difference?

Ironmen wants to wake up ambitious young men in their early twenties. You, young man, have an energy and drive that can make a difference in the world if you choose to channel it. To channel it, you will need good influences and good friends. They make the journey much better. Not easier, but certainly more fun and rewarding.

An idea you can use

At its core, Ironmen is a format for achieving success anyone can use when pursuing their heart’s desires. It is simply this: Find a couple of peers and meet every single week to set goals and hold each other to it. It is hard work to make this group work, but you will quickly find the journey will bring you closer, and in the end you will be showered with riches the world doesn’t recognize.

The principle behind the Ironmen format is based in human psychology. As animals, we are unwilling to do things we see no reward in, yet on a deeper level we get disappointed when we do not achieve what we desire. Ironmen is a life-hack that leverages peer pressure in a positive way to help us get what we want. But what’s more, Ironmen is also a positive force to elevate our desires and want better things for ourselves.

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens the countenance of the other.
– Proverbs 27:17

Why Ironmen?

Our world desperately needs men to stand up for what is right, and what is right shouldn’t cost anything more or less than time and attention. Ironmen started on the belief that excellence can be made possible with the right mindset and allies. We are dedicated to bringing positivity and inspirational thinking to young men everywhere.

Why Ironmen will change your life

What is an Ironmen group?

It is simply this: three guys getting together every week with the explicit purpose to talk about life and how they can do better at it. It sounds easy and it sounds obvious, but I guarantee you it’s not. Now more than ever, life is hectic and uncertain, which makes it tough to stay consistent. But having this group is worth it. If you feel today that you aren’t feeling as successful or excited about your life as you know you could be, then an Ironmen group will propel you to that level. You’re the captain of your ship in life, so you get to choose where you go. Pick a pair of guys to team up with and you improve your chances of success.

Ironmen has helped many men live more fulfilling lives.
Check out their stories.

Ironmen History

In 1985, Dave Marr read a book his uncle recommended called Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. From this book, Dave decided success for him wouldn’t be simply financial riches. He wanted everything: a sharp mind, a strong body, a happy family, great friends, and a deep spiritual life. He wanted an uncommon life.

After this, Dave started his first Ironmen group. He gave the group a different name back then––MPE, or Motivational Program for Excellence, for those interested––but the heart remained the same. He and his two best friends met every Monday morning at 6am to accelerate their success in life. They discussed back then the key themes that make up the Ironmen topics today: Relational happiness, financial wealth, personal growth, physical health, and spiritual depth.

Over the years he has had several Ironmen groups with different men during different stages of his life. Each of them lasted for at least five years, meeting every week.

Since then, Dave Marr has achieved the success he sought. He is happily married still after 25 years, has three kids who are all great friends with each other. He is fitter than when he was 25. He started and run two companies that have amassed him enough personal wealth to travel with the people he loves––including taking his wife and 10 of their friends on a surprise trip to France for a week.

In 2013 Dave officially launched Ironmen. He attributes his success to the Ironmen format he started all those years ago, and wants to share this principle with every young man aspiring to have a happy life.

Ironmen is a part of HeadwatersLife, a non-profit organization for helping people create happier marriages, build loving family cultures, and get involved in quality communities.

What you get from Ironmen